Mayor Garcetti’s Announcement: Winner of Street Light Competition
LA Times: LA, meet your new streetlight. The winning design marks the first revamp since the 1950’s, Jessica Gelt
LA Lights the Way: 2020 Street Light Competition
Architectural Digest: Los Angeles’s New Streetlights Will Do A Lot More Than Provide Light, Elizabeth Stamp
Fast Company: Los Angeles unveils the sun-blocking, EV-charging streetlight of the future, Nate Berg
TimeOut Los Angeles: LA is replacing its most boring streetlights with this new design, Michael Juliano
Bloomberg CityLab: LA’s New Streetlight Arrives at a Dark Moment, Laura Bliss
KCRW’s Press Play: New street lights contest aims to bring civil beauty to all of LA, to every income level, Madeleine Brand
The Eastsider: Northeast LA firm wins competition to design LA’s new streetlights, Barry Lank
NBC Los Angeles: Here’s the Brightest Idea in LA’s Streetlight Design Competition
NPR: Los Angeles Declares Winner for New Street Light Design Competition, Mandalit del Barco
Archinect: SUPERBLOOM is LA’s first new streetlamp in almost 70 years, Katherine Guimapang
ArchiECHO: SUPERBLOOM is LA’s first new streetlamp in almost 70 years
Los Angelenos: New Streetlights Will Feature Customizable Shade, Benches & Tech, Juliet Rylah
Cities Today: LA unveils “superbloom” streetlights, Sarah Wray
Smart Cities World: LA announces winner of new streetlight design, SmartCitiesWorld news team
ArchDaily: Introducing LA’s First New Streetlamp Since the 1950s, Eric Baldwin
Dwell: Project Room’s Winning Streetlight Design Beckons a Brighter Future for Los Angeles, Duncan Nielson